Russian Cinema and an Expensive Chair.

This spirited man really wants to paint a word on the back of this chair, but he won't because he did not buy this. Chair did not pay for it. If he did paint a word onto the back of this chair, he'd have to replace the chair with a new one and it's an expensive chair to replace two hundred and fifty dollars more than he paid for his first car, not adjusted for inflation. He wants to paint this word for a strange reason, an idea stolen from his mentor from his teacher.

Perhaps two ideas stolen from his mentor from his teacher and the ideas have something to do with channeling a master, the mentor hand-painted, this name on the threshold of his the mentors studio. This is not the mentor's name, it is the name of a master from long ago. Here's an old photo of the masters threshold from long ago. So who is this spirited man attempting to channel? And what does this russian word have to do with money he's attempting to channel this man, andre tarkovsky, the great russian filmmaker? Why? Because tarkovsky brought us this character, the stalker and sometimes this spirited man feels like the stalker or perhaps he aspires to be like the stalker 100 fresh on rotten tomatoes.

When was the last time, you saw that this stalker is not the kind of stalker that you're thinking of not that kind. This stalker is a sort of guide, a sort of guide that this spirited man aspires to be. The stalker is a kind of artist, maybe stalker is a film about being an artist. So what sort of guide is this stalker? And what does this have to do with money? The stalker is a guide who brings desperate people to a place called the zone.

This is how he makes his humble living by guiding desperate people to the zone. The zone gives people hope it is illegal to enter the zone lethal security guards the zone. The zone is a very strange place where time space and emotions bend reality when we enter the zone. The film turns to color like oz, though it is frightening and full of strange enigmatic laws of physics that he doesn't quite understand.

The stalker loves the zone and why do desperate people? Why do the writer and the professor want to visit the zone? Because within the zone there is a place called the room and inside the room when one steps into the room, his deepest desire will be granted? The writer wants inspiration, so he thinks the professor wants scientific discovery, so he thinks perhaps a nobel prize, so he thinks but the stalker does not go into the room. The stalker is satisfied with leading others the hopeless into the room, but the stalker why? He never goes into the room. A stalker is forbidden from entering the room, especially for his own selfish reasons. What happens when a stalker enters the room? Well, we don't know exactly, but the stalker's teacher, another stalker called porcupine.

He went into the room when porcupine came out, left the zone and returned to life outside the zone. Porcupine was suddenly filthy, rich. It turned out that porcupine's deepest desire. The thing he suffered most for was just money and when porcupine realized that his deepest desire was simply money, why he killed himself.
This spirited man thinks it's very important to earn lots of money for himself, and this thought concerns him the thing to do. Perhaps he thinks is to be a stalker and guide people into the zone. In the end, none of the three goes into the room, but each of them seems to have reached some sort of epiphany or catharsis. Having experienced a journey through the zone, we watch them from inside the room, we're inside the room, and so this spirited man will refrain from painting the russian word on the back of the 900 spanish chair, because the chair belongs to isabel and he doesn't want to Spend the 900 to replace it.

The 900 will go to equipment for his interview setup for his patreon and hopefully the patreon brings in lots of money because it bugs him that he's refrained from painting stalker in russian on the back of his chair. For the sake of money, you.

18 thoughts on “Wrestling our deepest desires”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicheslav Viacheslav says:

    Van you need to read the "Roadside Picnic" book of Strugatsky brothers.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noel Vande Slunt says:

    Interesting film, may have to check it out. 1 Tim. 6 v10. Good to know our desires and nature. Godspeed!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aleksei Mylnikov says:

    So. American Man. Explains russian movie SO GOOD. That Russian Man understood it. Невероятно.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cana Dude says:

    I love Fridays
    I love Van
    You want unique content?
    He's your man!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frederico Lohmann Jr says:

    Sonic is not a porcupine, he's a hedgehog. It's in the title! Goddammit, Van. 😂😂😂
    (Love your content. I don't comment, but I'm here from the beginning.)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cbr8 says:

    Alright, so…you are a great story teller and short movie maker. I am compelled to watch your stuff! However, when I watch your recent videos and reflect on what you are communicating, I am left with the sense of "why?" or "who cares?"

    I know this sounds brutal, and it is not my intention to cut you down. Quite the opposite. You seem very focused on money and making it, which 100% okay in my book. I simply want you to get on with it and stop making videos about your apparent misgivings/struggle around making money.

    Just do your thing. You are so good at it. Don't fall victim to doubt over whether doing what you love should also make you money. Making money is a necessary aspect of a well lived life, especially for a family man.

    Get out of your own way and just let it happen. Let the money come in. You will still be the same great artist you are today.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xtreamchance says:

    This was perhaps the most spirited of the presentations yet. Like a Wizard whose one rule is "one can not use magic for personal gain," it seems the spirited folk are not allowed to turn their cursory eye inward and express through art the crux of what is essential to the self. An odd rule. There is no external machination to stop them…merely their own construct for retribution.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TomGS says:

    Holy…. Van… oh my god… you have no idea what you've done…

    Ok, an explanation is needed.
    Im the son of an artist, the brother to another one; and a cousin to 2 others. (One of them, a filmmaker like you). All my life, one way or another, i have been taught and trained to appreciate art in its many forms, to judge a piece by what it is and not by how an individual displays his or hers emotions and mental state into a tangible thing.
    And i get that. I cant help myself, and try my hand at it, from time to time, in an opportunistic way. With my dad's old Nikon.
    What i have never been able to do, is understanding the mentality of an artist. What drives someone who is a certified genius, who loves engeniring and is a gifted mechanic, chooses to earn a living by being a sculptor. An artist.
    The zone. The mother fucking zone.
    Damn it Van. Now i have to review my (thankfully excellent) relationship with my brother. And my Mom.

    And, also, have to hunt down a copy of that movie. With spanish subtitles. Because neither of them speaks english… or rusian.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romain Dancre says:

    I already loved this channel but bringing Tarkovsky in it just makes me love it even more

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Harbin says:

    Fantastic concept and dream. I have to see this movie now. I would love to hear more movie recommendations that have inspired the spirited man. It made think about something Tom Sachs has said a couple times in interviews…paraphrasing…"how horrible it would be to make a lot of money doing something you didn't like (hated)" Here's to finding your footing as a Stalker and the rewards of money (and joy) come because you've added value to the lives of others. I find great value here…Spirited Stalker. Thank you.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Riccardo Magro says:

    One day somebody could be writing your name or pherhaps "the spirited man" on his/her chair

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apocalyptic Workshop says:

    The spirited man thing is from the book shop class for soulcraft he talks about the spirited man quite often in that book.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael says:

    Fantastic! Once I have some money, I will join your patreon. Perfect way to start the day. Thank you for making videos Van!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars artemis sidecross says:

    Making a living in search of money is a death trap that has soiled the earth with human excrement and detritus.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Wagner says:

    The best creator out there! Get my dose of inspiration to try and go out and make some art!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paula Heartland says:

    Wow. I love the journey you create for us making us think what matters. I know I already committed to monthly donations to your patreon but not sure where this is. Maybe you haven't set it up yet?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thoreau says:

    8 minutes and 32 seconds to basically ask you to become a Patreon. Got it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harmanpreet Singh says:

    Stalker himself was porcupine (he wears piece of cloth around his neck to cover the marks of strangulation)

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