We fix a broken air compressor with Shelly, a spirited mensche.

This spirited man edits his videos with final cut pro 10., the first shot he imports into final cut. Pro 10 determines the audio and video format for the entire project. That's how final cut pro 10 does it if the first imported shot was shot in 1920 by 1080 at 23.98 frames per second and 40 kilohertz audio, then the entire project will be formatted in 1920x1080 at 23.98 fps and 40 kilohertz audio, in other words, the first Shot sets the standard for every one of these videos. This spirited man has used the same shot to set the standard.

You never see this standard setting shot because once the standard has been set, this spirited man deletes it and gets on with the edit, but each one of these videos during the edit starts with shelley last tuesday. Shelley had an idea for an episode. Let's fix his busted air compressor, hoses air compressor hoses bust. This particular air compressor company's warranty and customer service were so good that they had sent shelly entirely new air compressors after he'd simply busted the hose.

Why not just make a hose repair kit? Well because so few folks are handy enough for repair kits these days. This was one of those rare, straightforward fixes that take only about 20 minutes turned out that this spirited man needed to pack. Only this little hose clamp shelley had an entire workshop full of perfectly organized tools and supplies, including these beautiful swiss made screwdrivers well well. Well, my goodness shelley don't need these tools he's a retired lawyer.

He has them because well because shelley is the spirited man, i'm gon na just cut this okay, so i'm gon na dremel, i'm not going to dremel it all the way off. Shall we the first order of business after fixing the compressor was to top off the tire pressure on claudia's badass truck, not shelley's, truck claudius truck? This is the type of man. Shelley is what we call a mensch, a man who takes care of his business and takes care of others. When this spirited man asked shelley for a tour of his newly renovated house, what this spirited man would call a jewel box, shelley pointed out certain details and would say so claudia.

Can this and so claudia doesn't have to bat? Claudia is shelley's wife and the love of his life she'll get her own video she's too much to share this one, see that dog mac see how well disciplined and well behaved. He is, as this camera rolls. Two men are eating. Roast beef sandwiches about eight feet away from mac.

Does he beg no? No? Why? Because mac is shelley's dog and shelley told him not to one of the reasons shelley got mack is to protect claudia on the rare occasions when shelly ain't around her when it came to the second broken compressor hose shelly said: don't worry about it. I can fix that one myself. So what's this shot from anyway, where does it come from it's an outtake from a short film that claudia mack and shelly helped make and saved from being shut down? It's called paradox. Bullets go watch it it's good written by the artist tom sachs and this spirited man starring the artist ed roushay and narrated by verner herzog, but saved by shelley, claudia and mack, when a cop showed up on the set, presumably to shut the production down for shooting.
On public roads without a permit, claudia and mack charmed, that idea right out of the cop's head mack was a puppy at the time and it turned out that the cop bred german shepherds shelley was ed. Roushay's double rouche could only shoot for three hours, so shelley doubled for him for three days of shooting walking across the desert jacking up the car. They call it movie magic so sitting in his studio. Thinking about the big story that this little story about the air compressor may be trying to tell this spirited man thinks that maybe out of the tens of thousands of shots, he could have chosen to set the standard for his little videos.

Maybe he subconsciously chose the shot of shelley because to him to this spirited man. Shelley is the standard, the kind of man he hopes with work. He can one day turn out to be himself all right. Go ahead.

You need a clapboard, oh yeah, you.

14 thoughts on “Who sets the standard?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andres Duque says:

    i love your videos , i learned a lot from you and casey videos .great work ,worth to watch your videos !

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars High Jump says:

    I fix things, I modify things, I enjoy finding solutions to things. Iโ€™d rather do it myself than pay someone else to do it. I protect my loved ones, I walk my dog and I feel wrong when away from nature too long. I ride a motorbike, drive a car, I am organised but also I am not. Am I a Spirited Man? ๐Ÿ•

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherloid Bai says:

    shelly is a badass and will always be a badass because he's rollin in the lil red express

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D says:

    I'm sorry, but if you walked into my shop with that little plywood "tool wall", first I would laugh hysterically at you. Then I would kindly ask you to collect your hipster toolbox, get off my property, and please don't ever come back.
    Jesus, how do you even associate with Tom Sacs? Does he have sympathy for you because he thinks you're a bit slow or something? Lol.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars This just in says:

    Hello there! I have been wondering for a while but what does a spirited man mean, and who can qualify as one

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cam S says:

    Watching your videos puts a smile on my face. Leaves me feeling mildly refreshed and upbeat. And sometimes talking… In a manner similar to your own… ๐Ÿ˜

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Kush says:

    Saw "LIL Red Express" in thumbnail and had to check out. My dad bought one brand new.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars younghex says:

    So let me get this straight I idolized Casey, who idolized Van, who idolized Shelly. I wonder who Shelly idolizes?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stewart hart says:

    I can see that both brothers are into the quick and dirty method of construction that makes carpenters & cabinetmakers wince
    those GD metal L brackets
    Who influenced who?
    The Neistat method

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason bell says:

    I don't wanna wait for vans stories to be finished.

    but really I can't wait for Friday now.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Jarome says:

    You said something in this video that was quite nice and made my eyes swell a bit. "He doesn't need these tools, he has them because well he's a spirited man". My wife wonders aloud why I have and collect tools. Now I have a very simple answer. Thank you.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FK says:

    dudes got a whole workshop and asks you to come help him put a hose clamp on a fitting???

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul VK3HN says:

    No disrespect to Shelley, obviously a Superior Dude, but it seems like Shelley has all the tools but not much knack. Maybe This Spirited Man could have taught Shelley to fix the hose instead of doing it for him. Wouldn't that be more in the spirit of a Spirited Man? Pass it on, teach the man to fish, etc etc. Just a thought. Otherwise superb as usual.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Leach says:

    I legit saw paradox bullets last week for the first time and was wondering why shelly looked so familiar!

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