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This spirited man needs a stone to kill three birds. He thinks he may have found this stone, but he wants your input. The first bird money. Thank you for supporting this channel.

I really am living the dream and it's a true blessing to live and work in such a beautiful and serene place. Having said that, he wants to earn more money, he wants more children and a bigger house for them. He wants to send his boy to the school in the mountains where they learn outside and, ironically, that ain't cheap, send more kids there, too, god willing. Everybody needs money, that's why they call it money.

Everybody needs money, that's why they call it money. Bird number two more work better work. Currently it takes about five days to make one of these videos. Typically, he spends three of those five days.

Writing most of the work is done in solitude. He would like to make two videos per week and work with others, which brings us to the third bird more connection twice in the wild in the past month. This spirited man has heard the declaration. That connection is the opposite of addiction.

This spirited man has been blessed with wonderful friends, friends. He misses busy friends busy like him most of his friends, make things most of his friends. Have great ideas. Some of his friends have made work.

You may have seen my way of gon na tell me living otherwise. So what's the stone, maybe this is obvious, but the stone is a patreon. We are not sponsored by patreon, they don't give us any money. Patreon is like a streaming service, but you subscribe to one creator at a time.

It's a miracle. It gives many artists the first steady income of their lives. I've been wanting to do a patreon for a while, but i couldn't figure out how to do patreon content and youtube content without crushing myself, with labor and destroying my life and my family. So i'm still gon na post a youtube video every week, but i also have an idea for a patreon video every week and this is what i'm thinking for the bottom tier for five bucks a month.

So, each week i will have one of my buddies over to the studio or do a zoom call with them, and we will have about a 30 minute to an hour conversation about what the youtube video will be about. What friday's youtube video will be about. It'll be a sort of writer's workshop video and that's for patreon that will post on tuesdays. Then on fridays, i'll post, the youtube video that the one hour patreon conversation was about.

So the five dollar patreon tier is the companion or enhancer video to the friday youtube video. So my question to you for you to answer in the comments is one: is this a good idea for the patreon video two? What should i offer for other tiers on patreon and three? How much should the other tiers cost? Okay, so tell us what you think in the comments, and hopefully in a month or so we'll have the patreon up and running, and hopefully it'll be great. You.

13 thoughts on “We’d like your opinion on something.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daveschleg says:

    I think a 15 min to 30 min podcast would be good. Something you can do in your studio or even mobile as you travel. Keep it as simple as possible (easier said than done, but with tech the way it is a good mic, iPhone and iPods might work(????). Not an added tier but a separate revenue stream via apple streaming. Keep the patreon at $5 to start and see how it goes. Add new levels, including an evolving podcast, in the future as it grows. Also; I would buy your original artwork if it was available and accessible on line

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deana Pomplun says:

    The goal is quality family time: Time + $

    I like tier one a lot.

    Do an add on, a photo (orā€¦) during the week with ā€˜whatā€™s upā€™ in the dayā€™s work of the Spirited Manā€¦

    Next add on a monthly drawing for a giveaway. The idea is to maintain the income so nothing of huge cost. Maybe a ā€˜trinity giftā€™. šŸ‘€ (involve others so as not to make this a drudgery for the Spirited Man).

    Thank you for your work. I look forward to watching.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rush B says:

    Hey Van. I love the idea of patreon for you as you have some of the most honest unique content out there. Personally I would be a patron. I frankly think a writers workshop video once a week even if itā€™s streak of consciousness might be too much effort for only $5. So think about that. I will think about ideas for other tiers. Thanks brother.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! William Storper says:

    I would say, do the $5 tier to start, but also have a highly expensive tier for people who don't really care about the extras, but just want to support you. If you did a $25 tier, you could have an exclusive merch drop every 3 months, and the merch will be automatically sent to their doors. You could also have a bi-weekly or monthly podcast with one of your friends exclusively for that tier, just to add a little extra content.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dazed says:

    I'm too cheap to pay for anything. But, Ed Pratt unicycled the world, filmed & edited the trip too. He released each episode 1 week early on Patreon, before YT. ($2.70).

    His higher tiers seem to be also getting your name in the credits ($5.40), or read out ($20.90) + tax/month. He has 189 Patreons.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Papandrea says:

    The $5 Patreon idea is good, but I think it would be more interesting after the weekly YouTube video as more of a directors commentary (and might help you get returning viewers for people who missed something you talk about in the Patreon video).
    For other levels, you can add a $10 level where you so a monthly zoom call with filmmaking tips and $20 level where you drill down into your creative process.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill P says:

    I agree with other there should be a 5,10,and 20. I like the idea of the writers workshop. Collaborations are always good. There are plenty of Youtubers that are spirited men and women. As far as what to get per tier I would leave it to the idea people out there.I do believe with all your content you can do throwback videos. I am sure people would be interested in those. Whatever you choose I will be part of the patreon group

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethiopianraver says:

    1. I think it's a good idea, I personally love "inside baseball"/"how the sausage is made" type content. I also think a typical Patreon supporter does so mostly (if not primarily) just to support the artist and not necessarily for a specific type of content and is more likely to support you through various content types so feel free to experiment if needed.

    2. I think higher tiers being able to to submit questions to your friend's that they answer "on air", and even higher tier subscribers get some sort of interaction with you and/or your guests like a zoom call.

    3. I think $5 is a solid price for the bottom tier. The other higher tiers is hard to saw without knowing the income distribution of your fan base. $50 seems like a good price for the highest tier but I understand that's just my subjective valuation of money. (maybe $15/$20 so submit questions).

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Dillman says:

    Whatever you decide to do on Patreon, it should involve some interaction with your patrons. You donā€™t respond to any comments on your YouTube channel. Thatā€™s your choice and itā€™s fine. If you expect people to spend their money for additional content, then I believe you should make the experience interactive in some way, whether through Q&A, a discussion forum on each video, or some other way. Find a way to personalize the experience that doesnā€™t require too much of your time. I believe it will pay off for you. Best of luck.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Koch: Dig-Drive-DIY says:

    I watch your channel for two reasons:
    1. I can relate to the handyman "spirited" videos you create because I am of the same age and mindset, plus I am entertained by your style and storytelling ability.
    2. I am a wannabe creator who is trying to grow my channel and I feel by examining your style and technique I can be inspired to try new things (steal your ideas but make them my own).

    With that being said, I would be a $5/ month Patreon subscriber because I feel I could learn something from watching the writing workshops and they would be equally as entertaining as a creator.
    If I am a watcher at $5 per month, I would hope to somehow be a participant at a higher tier. Either by offering the opportunity of a quick personalized workshop or simply just a review of my content with a critique or suggestion for improvement. You couldn't possibly offer this to every subscriber but if you somehow chose one or two people per month then we could learn by watching your review of their channel.

    You have a great deal to offer as a filmmaker and I think you could play to those strengths by both creating great videos for consumption (Friday release) and by offering something educational to aspiring filmmakers of your patreon subscribers.

    Thanks for bringing this channel to us Van. I look forward to your videos every week.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan B says:

    Top tier should be punking Casey. Other creators get good donations doing livestreams. U could do one a month ranging from a tour of the shop, maybe livestream when making something, perhaps a lucky winner of the stream will receive what you make idkā€¦ kinda like a Reddit rpan thing but on YouTube. Iā€™d donate to you on a livestream but wouldnā€™t do a patreon subscription

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lightstache says:

    To answer your question:
    Stoked! Would love to support!

    Another great addition to the $5 tier, or a middle tier, would be a discord server, maybe a small discount on merch

    For the other tiers, itā€™s tough to put the appropriate cost to this, but I do think a high-cost tier for a 1x/month zoom chat thatā€™s a Q+A type (if thatā€™s manageable for your time of course). Or something of that nature, instead of the zoom call maybe a podcast where you can record at your leisure and answer questions.

    Thanks for all the effort you give to your work. Youā€™re a huge inspiration.


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TonyTripleC says:

    Coming from the perspective of a long time YouTube lurker with a large amount of viewing ā€œexperienceā€ā€¦ if you can even call it that. You should go for a single tier of Patreon to start. If you want to start at $5, consider making that the only tier. The growing audience will make the $5 worth while for you, but keep it obtainable for the larger crowd. Multiple tiers will only burn you out faster, or lead to not worth while content for the high or low end. The idea is to keep your free and paid content good, while not burning yourself out.

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