Fundamentals of a successful gifting philosophy.
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I've got a lot of kits. I've been refining for decades. Now these kits afford me a sort of freedom, the ability to move through time and space. According to my standards, the land cruiser kit contains tools for minor repairs and urethane bungees for lashing lumber to the roof.

I've been refining my snowboard kit since 1990, that's 31 years, one of the more recent refinements is these suspenders suspenders are an essential tool for snowboarding and probably for skiing too. They keep the snow out of your crack, which a belt does not do, and these are the best suspenders from better than belts. They got the straps that go to a y in the back. This is the ski clip model suspenders, with composite clips they're made in usa in new york city, somehow better than belts bought this ad from my kickstarter campaign for this channel before there even was a channel - and i guess now that means technically i'm a sponsored snowboarder And for that better than belts has my eternal gratitude.

They have all kinds of suspenders on their site. So go buy some surprise. All gifts should have some element of surprise. So if you're getting something for someone and they know what they're getting surprise them with when you give it to them or how you give it to them, the best gifts are nice made and thoughtful, but any two will be a good gift.

So these customized swiss army knives are nice and made but they're not particularly thoughtful, because i give away and sell a lot of them they're, just like sort of a standard gift, but they're nice enough, and they have my hand in them that they're a good gift. An example of thoughtful and made is i give these pens out to people um a lot of times the first time i meet them and what makes them it thoughtful is that i engrave the date so that oh, this is the day we first met. It's not particularly nice um, it's just a five dollar pen. It is made - and it's made by me and that's what i mean by made or i've added a touch to it, the grip and the eraser and then the date, an example of a gift.

That's nice and thoughtful. My motorcycle boots that my brother dean bought me for my birthday one year, they're very nice boots. He had bought me my original boots and noticed they were worn out and replaced them with these even better boots thoughtful. But dean didn't make the boots an example of nice thoughtful and made.

Is this tape dispenser that tom sachs made for me? I had loaned him one of my tape dispensers and he returned the tape dispenser to me with this tape, dispenser that he made. For me - and this is i mean tom - sachs - is an artist and his work sells for a tremendous amount of money and he made this and it is so nice. So that's an example of made nice and thoughtful and that's the holy trinity. That's the best.

A gift can get so by maid. I mean your hand is in it it's customized in some way. So, even if you have someone professionally engrave a watch that counts as maid a rule of thumb that i've found helpful is that made gifts should be no bigger than your hand. And the reason for this is that maybe you make a gift that the person hates and they don't have the heart to throw it out, because you made it for them at least don't take up their real estate.
Obviously, there's exceptions to this. My buddy scott childhood friend made me this beautiful art piece, it's bigger than my hand, it's very thoughtful, and it's very nice. So but scott is an exceptional person and an exceptional person in my life. So it's just a good guideline.

If you're making something - and you need like what should i do, what should i do start with? Okay, it's not going to be bigger than my hand dating or monogramming. The gift gives the gift extra power. You can have it professionally, dated or monogrammed and by monogram. I mean just write their name on.

It doesn't have to be like i b z or whatever. I encourage you to own a dremel engraver or an electric engraver and own some kind of wood burner. These things cost like 20, both of them cost. You know probably set you back 50 bucks for both of them and then you can just engrave.

Basically anything the wood burner is for wood and plastic, and the engraver is for just about everything, even glass, if you're, careful, also a whiteout pen, um, there's this variety. This pentel, then there's this uniball, which is for finer print. Writing, know what flowers your girl likes. You can offend a woman um by getting the wrong flowers and i'm sorry most women hate red roses, i'm just putting it out there.

I've never met a woman. That said, oh i love red roses, i'm sure they're out there. I've found that by getting the right flowers, it's disproportionate to the gesture like it affects i've had it affect. Women is powerful.

If you get the right flowers pay attention to. If she mentions a specific flower shop, that's a great cheat write it down, go there, be a guy that goes to flower shops, they love having guys in there and they treat you so nicely and so um tenderly, and it's just a great experience. If you happen to live in new york city, there is a place in the west. Village called the meadow and they're the best, and they will arrange a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and you probably can't lose be a guy who patronizes flower shops.

They'll love you for it and they treat you very kindly take your time with books. Books are great, hail mary. You can do them last minute, but you have to go into a bookstore channel. The person you're buying the book for keep them in your imagination and then wander around freely in the bookstore, and the book will come to you get a signed copy if it's available and date and write your name in one of the leaves of the book.

Happy birthday to blah blah and then sign your name, maybe a little message: a postcard counts, a postcard, particularly for birthdays, because, as you get older nobody, you know, we don't really care about birthday presents as we get older, but i'll tell you my friend, chloe sent Me a postcard from beirut and on the postcard and said today is your birthday and i get choked up thinking about it and the object. Your goal in giving a present and giving a gift is to make the receiver cry. That is your goal, and my friend, ariel shulman is the master of postcards. We have like a like an 18-year postcard relationship, so when you're giving a postcard as a gift, you don't brag about where you are, you make it about them and put a joke or some kind of line in there and what rel does because he's a great Artist is, he adds a drawing or puts some he can make the postcard it'll be some kind of little flourish that he does.
That takes time, but boy i mean i have in my shelves of special things. There's a lot of ariel shulman postcards up there. Generally speaking, getting a good present takes two days one day to rack your brain, then sleep on it, then the next day to get the epiphany and execute the gift and they don't have to be two consecutive days. But you know march 11th you're racking your brain and then you sort of let it settle and then march 14th you go out and get get the present she will tell you take note, be precise.

I have an example of a gift i didn't get, but i took a note in my iphone and she said i want a dyson hair dryer. Now you can't go and get another hair dryer, that's kind of like the dyson. It has to be the dyson hair. Dryer, what happened was i couldn't afford it and by the time i could afford it.

I could afford to get her a motorcycle and i got her that instead and then she went and got herself the dyson hair dryer but pay attention because they will tell you not. If you ask not, if you ask what do you want for your br? What do you want free christmas? Will you no? No? No, no, it doesn't work that way. You'll be driving in the car. You'll be 60 feet from a pen behind the wheel and she'll be like you know.

I saw those shoes and the blah blah blah and i really wanted to get them, but oh man, you know, i don't know. Maybe i get them on sale but that that's write it down figure it out, go to the bathroom, pull over figure. It out write it down, she's telling you you got to be vigilant, he got it for me in when you're in interesting places, foreign places, exotic places, go to gift shops and just stockpile on little presents and save them. You may maybe you don't know who they're for, but you want to be able to give them to the person and say i got you this in blah blah blah.

This is one of my most cherished things. I love this. It's a scraper. I've never seen anything like it.

Tom sacks pulled this out of a bag and handed it to me and said i got you this in japan, and that was 20 years ago. I've had it. I've been through a lot in the last 20 years and i haven't lost this thing. I cherish this thing: expensive, not costly, so you can get expensive presents that don't cost a lot of money like a ten dollar piece of chocolate is an expensive piece of chocolate, but it's not a lot of money.
My buddy has this company and they make these socks, and these socks are amazing and they're. They don't cost a lot of money but they're expensive for socks, and i love these socks. I love putting them on it's like a vacate. It's like a holiday on the days i get to wear these socks, but you know 20 bucks a pair, not a lot of money but expensive for socks and last for kids when shopping for a present that a kid is giving you're gon na pay for the President, but your kid is going to give it to their grandmother or their your kid is going to give it to their buddy at school.

You pick the store and let them pick the present and they're remarkably good at it and they're remarkably fast at it. At least my kid is i've found and he has no reason to be gift receiving send. Thank you notes, don't be the person who is always going to write you a thank you i'm guilty of it we're all guilty of it. I screw up and don't send them write a thank you note, send it through the mail, send it to the person.

Having said that, i want to thank gustav for the screwdrivers, and i want to thank dave, england for all the swag dave england from jackass. For all the swag, i want to thank the man who gave me the book that he took the photos for for the it's a navy book. It's unbelievably good, the guy who dropped off the headlights. There's more of you.

I get a lot of little gifts. Oh stop sending me gifts. Thank you. Thank you, they're very much appreciated, but i have tiny amount of room.

I just get myself whatever. I want, i'm very spoiled, but thank you very much and the point of gift giving is to make people feel loved. Even if you don't really love them, you.

16 thoughts on “The “gifting holy trinity” & more.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrei Dragunov says:

    This feels like a solo podcast and I think you are one of the most interesting person to listen to solo, your writing is on point mate. Keep making this style of movies

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nick lukens says:

    I read this as the GRIFTING holy trinity. I even read a comment about someone saying they weren’t a good grifter and they were thankful for the tips. I was confused for about the first quarter of the video, trying to figure out how giving gifts to people would make you better at taking advantage of them.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MTB ALAN says:

    I love the evidence of your life in all that you do.

    Also, I love your “dumb guy” voice. 😆
    I would love to hear a conversation between you and your “dumb guy”.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr.Awesomestar7 says:

    I got my sister her first phone when she turned 16. She wasn't expecting it and cried when I surprised her. It made me cry seeing her so happy. It took me a a couple months of planning trying to slowly get info about the model and colour she wanted. The notes definitely help. Like Van, my advice is to always keep an ear out and WRITE IT DOWN.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hurley21 says:

    This was extremely interesting, useful and educational. Thank You Spirited Man! I will be applying what you've taught me when it is time for gift giving/receiving. Well Done!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Novelli says:

    Come on Van! You gotta put layers on and then alternate tucking them in to completely eliminate the chances on snow getting into your pants.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Andrews says:

    It is very hard to hit the "trinity" on a you tube video …..Informative….entertaining…..and actionable. You sir have skills.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Zamora says:

    Did people already forget about him asking followers to buy stocks only for them to be plummetting still. Not only that he lied about the info he gave followers and now deleted the video. I'm a fan of van also but this can't just be forgotten about why do Influencers keep getting a pass

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Zamora says:

    Did people already forget how he screwed people by telling them to buy BCYP stocks and lied about the information

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Sanchez says:

    I really wish you were my brother or friend. I need this type of creativity in my life. It brings me happiness.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Dinosaur says:

    I love gifting, it's essential for every spirited man and woman to learn. Some of my favorite gifts to give and receive recently have been consumable things that took considerable effort, like hand made chocolates. It's great to have consumable gifts because almost nobody needs more useless crap in their life

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 8th Life says:

    I think the best time with gifts for me was when I started to enjoy giving them more then receiving them.

    Definitely some really good ideas and thoughts within this for successful gift giving!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lee martin says:

    You having bought the right flowers , clearly triggered some great memories 😀 . Buying whilst travelling is such a good move . Super thoughtful video

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Koch: Dig-Drive-DIY says:

    The Spirited Man Channel is nice, thoughtful and made and a great gift for those that look forward to receiving it each week. This is a great video and something very useful for nearly everyone. Thanks Van!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jab2d3dCGmfg says:

    I admire Van’s ingenuity. But I grew up in a haphazard religious Sex cult & these are some of the techniques my parents would use to manipulate people to their way if thinking. Gift giving & receiving has always eventually made me feel icky or suicidal or homicidal for that reason. What is a good way to get around that to get to choosing or receiving gifts?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Bear says:

    Who remembers Casey’s mantra of “always put your name on everything “. (Now I know where he got that idea). 🌞🌞 flowers are a complete waste of money and really, women rather have cash or chocolate (if we are being a gender specific ass)

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