2 miles uphill. 2 miles downhill.

Discipline is doing something that you hate, as if you love it mike tyson said that god bless you mike tyson. God bless you for that. One years ago, this spirited man went to the nike company store in beaverton an employees only heavily discounted nike store a lot of the folks who worked in the store wore t-shirts. That said running sucks.

It made him feel better about his hatred for running, and maybe that's why he's made this video, maybe to help folks keep at it? Yes, it sucks running, but you got ta. Do it anyway, just like brushing your teeth. His run four miles per day. Five days a week, first, half uphill in the dark he's picked the most convenient and beautiful route within running distance of his house he's blessed to have access to such beauty, but he doesn't see it that way on the uphill running in the dark part uphill, and In the dark, the beauty doesn't make the run prettier the run makes the beauty uglier.

He started running seriously in 2005., encouraged by a woman, a doctor, and she was right. He's tried to quit running ever since, but it won't go away. The health benefits are just too economical, if only it wasn't so dang good for you, if only yeah he's run a marathon once what a waste of time he figures, his injuries from the training and the race cost him three years of running regularly. He wasn't physically injured for those three years, but he feels his terrible finishing time a time he holds secret.

He feels his terrible time broke. His spirit broke his running spirit, limping at mile 20. He was passed by a woman wearing a homemade t-shirt. That said, i'm a 50 year old grandma - and this is my first marathon - ran right by him as if she was on mile four good for her, but he refuses to redeem himself.

He'll not run another marathon ever again, no way he was 35 at the time. He hates those sweatpants, he runs in them because they embody his hatred of running uphill in the dark he hates the fit too big hates the color maroon looks a gift horse right in the mouth too. Why didn't casey get him red ones that match the sweatshirt? Letters have turned to pink by now, maroon yuck. He wears them because he hates them, but can't get rid of them just like he can't get rid of running up hill in the dark one day up there, a mile away from any other human soul.

He was running the boy scout trail and saw a mountain lion charging a rabbit about a hundred feet ahead of him on the same trail. He never ran that trail again. The steepest most miserable part of the run in the dark ends exactly at his run's. Halfway point at two miles in cloudy today, but clouds are good in these parts and rare you know, casey did go through a bunch of trouble, organizing the cruise for dad's 60th and on top of that had matching sweatsuits custom made for all five of us sent All of us framed photos from the crews too.

If red sweatpants had been a possibility and casey would have made it happen, casey couldn't do it. Then it couldn't have been done. Wireless headphones and podcasts revolutionary without the headphones and podcasts he wouldn't do it wouldn't run at all. Today, it's john waters on marc maron, oh how he loves them both heard on a podcast one day, while running that running prevents cognitive decline, slows it down.
Maybe something running something cognitive decline: it helps he gets ideas on his way home downhill in the light, and he dictates these ideas into his phone one day on one of his runs on the downhill and in the light part of the run. He said this into his phone running. Uphill is the drilling of a well into his idea, aquifer and running downhill? Is the pumping out of the ideas from down in the aquifer running uphill? Is the drilling running downhill? Is the pumping of those fresh, filtered ideas, running downhill in the light towards home running, makes him slightly less crazy some mornings. He runs by a father and son also running right around here, not today, but some days the boy must be 13 or 14 and he can tell that the father and son hate it too hate running.

He thinks about how much it will benefit the boy if the boy sticks with it. Usually when he sees the father and son, he yells out some encouraging words. Looking strong guys or fridays are the toughest. Why are they doing it trying to get strong? Maybe the training for some event, some kind of racism he's never experienced a runner's high, doesn't believe it doesn't believe.

Folks who say they love running doesn't believe malcolm gladwell. If it turns out they're not lying, then they are completely different people than he maybe better people. He thinks the only runner's high he gets is when the run is over, not even high just relief. His reward is that he doesn't have to do it anymore until tomorrow morning, you.

8 thoughts on “So why do we do it?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Clifford says:

    I totally sympathize. I hate running too even though I ran cross country in high school. Every time I try to get back into it I get bored instantly. I’m always looking down at my watch and wondering how I’ve only been running for 5 min? Lol. I switched to mountain biking for exercise and find it infinitely more enjoyable. I literally can go on a 5 hour ride and never get bored.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenny O'Brien says:

    This video is SO good that I just watched it a second time, and I'm sure I'll return to it again and again. It's like a meditation of sorts.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Pulsipher says:

    I feel the same way van – said something very similar to my wife at the end of our run. I don't love the run, so much as the feeling of "having run."

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pink Gecko says:

    I've come back to this video today because it stuck with me after the first time I watched it. There's something beautiful and tranquil about it that I haven't found in any other running video

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sahalanimation says:

    this is more relatable for me, as opposed to Casey who LOVES running, Van hates it, but does it anyway, which is exactly how i feel about running. :))

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EcnalKcin says:

    I used to run a lot…turns out I have joint problems and now I can't run…and that happened in my early 20's. I honestly miss running.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Parker says:

    "The run makes the beauty uglier" Always thought that. Never understood how people say "its such a beautiful place to run" I don't enjoy any of the time Im running, regardless of whats around me.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate says:

    This spirited man just completed a marathon about 8 hours priorto writing this, he doesn't know why he needed to do another marathon, just had to. One of this spirited man's most enlightening moments came to him during his first marathon, Karl Jung might have called it "integrating the shadow". At another marathon this spirited man dealt with his grief surrounding his younger cousin's passing; the spirited man wanted to honor his cousin by putting her name on his bib, everyone thought his name was "Lauren" and cheered him on by yelling "Go Lauren!" hearing her name yelled at him changed him somehow. 2 more marathons planned. Probably will keep doing them until he destroys his knees or suffers an irreparable injury. Does running suck? Yeah. Has running healed this spirited man's anxitey riddled broken brain? Yeah.

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