The emotional power of GRATITUDE.
Spirited Man Sweatshirts:
Thank you, Alanis:

Chris hedges said that you can't understand america unless you read james baldwin, so i read this book and it's a difficult, read and he's clearly a genius baldwin um. But if you were to ask me what do you remember about this book? What stands out? It would be baldwin was in martin luther king's funeral procession and he said that looking out the windows as he was driving through atlanta, there were throngs of people and they were dressed in their very best sunday clothes and they were poor people. Two types of stories reduce this spirited man to a crybaby. The first type is stories about the civil rights movement and what those brave people did for us what they went through for us, but this episode isn't about the civil rights movement or baldwin or dr king.

This episode is about the second kind of story that reduces this spirited man to tears stories about gratitude. Those two types of stories - gratitude stories and civil rights stories - just happened to meet on the streets of georgia on april 9, 1968 and when he thinks about those fine people in their starched shirts pressed suits, ties, done-up, hair, hats and dresses. When he thinks about the effort and the grace and the gratitude well, he falls to pieces. This super 8 projector was a gift.

This camera bag was a gift. This camera was a gift. This tape dispenser was a gift. This balaclava was a gift.

This washer dryer was a gift. This tree removal was a gift, so so it's easy to thank people for the material phenomena which ease this spirited man's life, but it's impossible to express the gratitude. He feels for certain things like the kidney that keeps his best friend alive or the young woman's heart that beats in his chest, or the doctors and nurses who put them there there's no way to properly thank some of these people, but never mind proper. A thank you note is a thank you note and a thank you note works just fine when this spirited man considers some of the millions and millions of symbiotic miracles that kept us fed and supplied during lockdown and the symbiotic miracles that brought us vaccines in less Than a year, why the tears return, and he feels compelled to thank at least some of them, to show his gratitude for at least some of these miracles that kept us going every day uh.

I also must say thank you to all of you who subscribed and supported my kickstarter campaign and bought sweatshirts before all of this during the year. I put this together. It was the covid crisis and for the last four months, i've been broke. Borrowing money to pay the mortgage, which is borrowed money, and now it looks like for a while i'll, be able to make this channel work.

And i'd especially like to thank my brother, casey neistat for making his beautiful movie, which drove the success of this whole thing. And i won't forget you staying strong at nana's funeral, delivering the perfect eulogy men cry in private, which is not to say men don't cry in public. Sometimes you.

15 thoughts on “Men cry in private”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars simon says:

    Humility is how you value yourself, curiosity is how you value others and empathy is how you value the bonds between yourself and others. Thanks for that bond Van

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rheal says:

    Really powerful video, Van. The last 30 seconds got me all sorts of messed up. Thanks for your hard work.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchell Deluca says:

    Seeing how happy you were when the truck driver honked made me into a big cry baby thanks van your the man!!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nesss says:

    wow. your incredible!!!! to put yourself out there like that is huge, im dealing with that now. this helps so much. also i know people mention casey. but honestly when im on your channel, he never comes to mind. your incredible, please do not stop making videos, ive gone through all your vids 3 times now.yes all of them. i missed the white sweater merch, can you drop that again please and thnak you.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Wong says:

    I mean like, we got masculinity and culture such as misogyny because of the past. Even if it's bad, it's not all bad. As I grow, I see the use of masculinity, and how to control it, and be strong.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Bob Rogers says:

    Casey has energy, his drive for daily life was intoxicating

    But, Van hits different, this is art, this is skill, this is true story telling

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RiverheadSkate says:

    Did you also thank the criminals at Pfizer when they paid their $2.3 Billion settlement for fraudulent marketing? You lost me, man.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars __ says:

    There's a lot of things here and there mantioning caseys channel. I found your channel by chance and never put two and two together until a later video where he was mentioned. These videos stand on their own two feet, not just on the shoulders of someone else. Not to say we dont all stand on the shoulders of others.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Voorheis says:

    I really enjoy your videos. Gratitude is such strong subject matter. I don’t see eye to eye with you on the subject of vaccines, knowing what I know about big Pharma. I do see you very much Eye to eye with you on the subject matter of civil rights. Keep on living your passion, spirited man.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iamOnewithAll says:

    Peace van thank you for going here! A gratitude story to remember … gratitude changes everything and costs nothing . U can measure everything by the measure of gratitude you have for it or the situation etc

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Your Crazy Uncle says:

    This spirited man has done the same process but in the complete opposite of Van. Life is filled with grief and suffering, I have made so many mistakes, but THE results are filled with gratitude. btw, the camera work for this youtube is so so good. 🙏

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars graffix11us says:

    Wow, these videos just keep getting more and more powerful. Thank you for sharing your talent, Van!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bevan Hibbs says:

    Thank you Van! Men being good men is exactly what men need to see online. So a thanks to you and your bro, sharing part of your personal lives, and giving us great entertainment and experience. -kiwi on a boat, working in a galley, in Croatia. Living the spirit 🙏👍🏼

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AceHighJohn says:

    Love the style of ur vids and the narration.
    There's a lot of people coming over from Cassey's channel but i had never heard of yous until i got ur 1st vid as a recommendation. Very glad YouTube decided ur channel fits with my viewing.
    I also take this as some sort of weird compliment on my previous viewing choices 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Fleming says:

    Your vulnerability you share in each of these videos is extremely special. Thank you for sharing your gift and well done on your sobriety. I'm 359 days in and eternally grateful for each one of them.

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