Let's begin now, this spirited man has been schlepping these military cases across the country for over a decade now they're like little houses with good, solid roofs. They tolerate neglect and protect their contents, no matter how fragile or how precious, what for? What's in them, it has recently very recently occurred to this spirited man that, in short, these boxes contain little bits of his dreams, past present and future obsolete cameras and non-camera camera equipment, reflectors old tapes, an unopened drone, little bits of his filmmaking dreams, past present and Future this box now essentially empty, is for tool and hardware, transport tools and hardware to facilitate his maker and repairman dreams. Past present and future the ephemera box dreams already lived little bits of residue of the dreams of old one day, god willing he might live in a big enough house to hang this poster a poster for a movie. His buddies made a movie.

He was in actually so long ago. Alas, dreams end and this one why this one is the dreams pending box, a box for the little bits of the dreams he's living right now, some toys that his little boy plays with when visiting dad's studio, the waxer he uses to make his art and and The reward prototypes for his kickstarter campaign up and running for the next couple of weeks. His now, thanks to many of you, successful kickstarter campaign, a kickstarter to raise money, so he can continue making this series you're watching right now, a dream he is blessed to live. Today, in real time, the kickstarter campaign is not yet over and more money directly translates into more episodes.

As of this posting, there's a bunch of rewards still available. This spirited man wishes to thank you for backing the kickstarter to thank you for subscribing to thank you for watching, as they say in norway, two's and talk twos, and talk for martin tooth and tuck for martin. You.

10 thoughts on “What’s inside these boxes of dreams?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Googe says:

    Have only just found the spirited mans channel, due to checking in on the spirited mans, spirited brother… But you can bet your life that I'll be backing the next spirited kickstarter in a heart beat.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy B says:

    I mean… uploading 4 videos, then putting a kickstarter up coz he needs money to make youtube videos… that's… that's a bit early my dude. Content is good but like cmon, that's a bit cash-grabby to me.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khurtan Eastgrove says:

    Could someone tell me what music is used in his videos? Does he make it himself? If so, please atleast tell me there is a genre connected to it!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scotty Leonard says:

    I saw the Pleasure of Being Robbed in 2014 alone in my dorm room. I had picked up the DVD in Hastings because the cover looked so weird compared to the other films for sale on the shelves, and when I watched it I knew that even if I never saw it again, it would always be with me. A few years later I started watching Casey's videos, and about 7 years later I am watching yours. I followed the Safdie brothers throughout their career through Casey talking about their films, and I was amazed to see Uncut Gems starring Adam Sandler made by the same group of kids who made The Pleasure of Being Robbed. You guys really inspired me to believe in my filmmaking dreams, and I am currently typing this comment in a production office for a TV show. I still make my own films on the side, and I'm producing two underground features with my friends.

    I just wanted you to know how much you and your friends' work means to me

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin BossBuffone says:

    I'm not quite sure what caused me to travel down your rabbit hole. But, it honestly freaked me out. I experienced a weird and somewhat emotional introspection. It was a totally recognizable, completely profound episode of synchronicity. A case in point is my soon-to-be-born daughter. My wife and I picked her name long before I found your channel, Isabella. Rock on Brother!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electric Life says:

    Love the episodes. Wait one minute! You raised $120,000 to launch YouTube videos? It is FREE to do YouTube videos! You raised $120,000 so you would not have to work and get a job! Reminds me of those fake Go Fund Me accounts! Casey is worth Millions and you have tons of money living in Cali in the mountains. The house is definitely over $500K . You could sell the house for $500k minimum and move to where I am at and buy a nice house for $100k and have $400k in the bank. That would never happen bc you are still California dreaming about becoming FAMOUS! Still like your channel, just do not agree with you asking people for money. I guess that is the new America. I think I will go set up a Go Fund Me page for myself.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Silva says:

    I don't know how the F I missed the kickstarter!! I thought I had seen every episode… I don't need the swag but I want to support your work. Have you set up a gofundme or a patrion so I can wire you some funds? With the lyf so short and craft so long to lerne, one must support the work of a spirited man who amplifies the message of the universal traveler. God speed Van.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn Karlsen says:

    Wait…. What?

    Is this one of many videos, and I'm only getting the Norwegian one? If not, then why did Van choose Norwegian? I'm listening to this while finishing breakfast. So might have missed a detail. 😅

    Tusen takk for maten…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tarjei S. Tjønn says:

    Tough luck for me you're not shipping internationally. Pumped some cash into your project because I believe in the passion that burns inside you. Keep it up.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark's Allotment Plot says:

    Love your videos but was disappointed to see nearly all the Kickstarter options are US only.

    This spirited Brit really wanted a hoodie, shirt or beanie

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