For your consideration, Academy members.

This spirited man was scrolling through amazon. Prime recently, when he discovered his friend, was nominated for a oscar. His joy was mortifying. He was possessed by this jubilation, not because of the heavy golden statue.

No, but because this meant his friend could keep working, keep doing what she does. The last time this spirited man saw his friend garrett was at alex and alex's wedding. He had decided to shoot film photos as a wedding present and, coincidentally so did garrett. That's a film camera in her hand embarrassingly.

He has not given his photo album to alex and alex some two years later, but he bets garrett has before that. Garrett had hosted this spirited man on a lonely christmas in her new orleans and before that he saw garrett at the tribeca film festival, premiere of her 2014 film below dreams. After the screening she graciously said to him you're next, and she was right. He was next.

He made a feature film about an artist this artist, this spirited man and this artist taught this spirited man, two things pertinent to garrett's oscar nomination. The first thing pertinent to garrett's oscar nomination that the artist taught this spirited man can be summed up in sven nyquist's, 1974 oscar speech, the greatest oscar speech of all time and here's the speech in its 15 second entirety. Thank you very much, and i'm quite sure that this fine award will give the possibility for me to make much better work than i've done before. Thank you very much.

Making better work is what the artist lives to do to put it. In the words of this artist, the reward for good work is more work, and that is why this spirited man was so psyched when he found out that garrett was nominated for an oscar and the second thing pertinent to garrett's oscar nomination. The second thing that the artist taught the spirited man was a magic trick, a trick because magic is not real and magic because well because magic is magic and the magic trick that the artist taught this spirited man is called sympathetic, magic and sympathetic. Magic is this: if you truly want something, then make your version of that thing out of whatever you have at your disposal and due to unpredictable forces beyond your control, the universe may align just right to get you that thing.

That thing you desire sounds stupid, but it works, even if you don't believe in it. This spirited man has seen it work, and this spirited man truly wants his friend garrett to win that oscar. So here is his oscar shrine to this spirited woman garrett bradley in her beautiful movie time best of luck to you, garrett and we'll keep the candles lit. You.

15 thoughts on “My friend is nominated for an f—ing oscar!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tedd Cookerly says:

    I, myself, am not a visual man. I have done countless things in my life that some would think is grand. I am happy to correct them when I say "happy accident." The byproduct of this haphazard grace in my life is to have friends much like your Garrett. This made me cry because at the end of the day, I may be many things, father, engineer, skateboarder, motorcycle enthusiast, but the one I am most proud of… is the biggest cheerleader for all of my friend's dreams…I want this amazing little family that I have chosen and vice versa to win at everything and I will be there…Pom Poms in hand! A good lesson on how to be a good friend. Thank you!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creme Jockey says:

    Is this dudes main accomplishment being friends or brothers with people who have accomplished cool things. Like omg my friend did this I'm interesting as fuck watch my pretentious shit. Oh and if you write pretentious in the comments of these videos it gets deleted. And what have I accomplished? This "spirited man" has accomplished enough that he doesn't feel the need to name drop my artist friends constantly.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Ranyner says:

    Beautiful! I also have a roll of film of bride and groom 3 years later. How longs to long?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khurtan Eastgrove says:

    Could someone tell me what music is used in his videos? Does he make it himself? If so, please atleast tell me there is a genre connected to it!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnold Lueders says:

    Sadly Mr spirited Man the most likely reason why your friend was nominated was because she's a woman and less likely to do with her work. If you looked at the Oscars this year it was over the top reticle because everything was about race and gender. Well of course any race or gender can do or produce or make or act or whatever they want to do at a high level it is very unlikely that so many people that fall into the category of person of color or woman were the best of 2020 regarding best picture best actor best documentary etc. All of these award shows have become a joke and that's why they're ratings have been destroyed. You are correct though that your friend will get more work now that she has been nominated because she is part of that cult part of that drinking of the Kool-Aid believing that systemic racism is real or that there is a gender gap because of sex Yes and I said sex. I am sad for your friend today

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Golle says:

    I hate to be that guy but it's "A F-ING OSCAR". "An" is incorrect here.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tharun Speaks says:

    the spirited man's story telling made this spirited man to comment on this spirited video

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars João Monteiro says:

    Van is incredibly talented. It's amazing how the two Neistat brothers share the taste for manual crafts and similar storytelling methodology. Really remarkable Van.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Case says:

    TIME was amazing. Seeing the to back story of its creator after seeing the movie makes it even more so.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SnehaDebojit says:

    Do you live alone Van? I wish to see you spending your life with loads of happiness that you deserve. Move to NYC. Much love & respect to both the brothers <3

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Delicate Sounds of Satan says:

    Fifth or sixth video in and already teaching people magic! I was already beyond impressed, now I'm sold. Possible future video idea: sigil magic, if you know it. People can really benefit from knowing how to empower themselves. Love the channel so far, dude. Cheers.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Schlea says:

    If you truly desire something, then make your version of that something out of whatever you have at your disposal and due to unpredictable forces beyond your control the universe may align just right to get you the thing you desire.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ward Huyskes says:

    "magic isn't real"
    20 seconds later
    "ok, so basically if you sacrifice a rooster you will please the ancestor spirits and if you then build a miniature version of the thing you want they may grant it. This spirited man calls it hoodoo witchcraft."

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Pyke says:

    This spirited man's friend was nominated for an Oscar too! woo hoo, go spirited friends!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Usama Anwar says:

    That's Sharukh khan Quote
    Universe align you with the thing that you truly desire

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