SPIRITED MAN SWEATSHIRTS https://spiritedman.com
The first Spirited Man episode ever made.

The spirited man may find himself living in a multi-million dollar park, avenue apartment, having neither asked for it, nor earned for it to hell with this town to hell with park avenue in 12 hours. This snow will be yellow and brown. Then gray then gone. The americans talk about following dreams: they have a term for it, they call it the american dream.

The american dream is to live in a dream. This is the ambition of the spirited man to follow a dream and then to live in it. Having lived one dream, perhaps the spirited man in his intoxication neglected to dream another. Perhaps he finds himself not lost but disoriented.

His intuition, bad with maps intuition speaks in cardinal directions back in the fort no more park avenue to hell with this town to hell with the fort wiser. Now the spirited man knows when to listen and knows how he knows to listen for the quiet voice and that the quiet voice does not explain itself. The quiet voice gives one word answers one at a time follow the word and the next word will come. The spirited man learns to lead his new dream and his new dream whispers.


9 thoughts on “Miserable in new york city”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Getting Negative says:

    Alex Grey said that if you stop acting on the information the muse gives you, sheโ€™ll stop talking to you. I love the opportunistic and spermatic process of film photography, creating entire shows on a whim.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Verstraeten says:

    There are few YouTubers who truly inspire me, who create a spark within me that makes me want to create, to compose, to be creative. There are none however who do it as well you do Van, thank you for your content, you're a huge inspiration and I'm so glad I stumbled upon your channel a week ago! Looking forward to everything you're still to share with us all

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andre Shoumatoff says:

    I found this channel completely organically. I saw Casey's videos years ago but had forgotten about them. I just wanted to mention it now that I saw Casey's video too. My interest in this page is solely on the content.

    I am perhaps a "spirited man" myself and a new Yorker once upon a time and even owned a diesel land cruiser, from 2001 and on. And I just rode motorcycles to Baja – road trips are fun. I've done 5k miles in the past month. I built the first website all about diesel land cruisers and conversions.

    In a lot of ways Van's approach speaks to me. Here I am in salt lake city now, 20 years later with 7 vintage BMWs among other cars and a gorgeous 107 year old house and too many tools and a bit of insanity – I struggle to maintain it all. But I live. And I also like (or love) his YouTube channel. So smart and creative and a mirror in many ways of my life. Other than way more car, metal, and heavy duty (including welding and refurbishment) focused. Thank you Van. Best of luck to you. Keep on keeping on. And reach out if you need ideas and inspiration. I have tons. I've been called "an idea man" (a backhanded complement) a few too many times, but it explains all the brilliant ideas and too many projects.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nelson Adventure Zone says:

    I find myself binge-watching your films at the moment. Not doing much filming and editing myself, but the steady cadence of your work inspires me.

    Much love from Cape Town – South Africa.
    Tony Nelson

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khurtan Eastgrove says:

    Could someone tell me what music is used in his videos? Does he make it himself? If so, please atleast tell me there is a genre connected to it!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GorillaPhysics says:

    Interesting that Van writes poetry in the snowstorm in New York, Casey grabs his snowboard.

    Just interesting how different individuals experience of the same event is. ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The DIY Filmmaker says:

    You are great Van. Everyone shows us success in NYC. You show us something different. As normal people, we have felt miserable many times (even some of us, our whole life). Your spirited videos inspire us. Keep going!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J. Gravett says:

    The REAL spirited man has no money backing him up!!! He has to do with what is! Dumpster diving, scrapping, learning new ways to survive! You ain't no spirited man!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mind Blown says:

    New York City is not a place to live–it's a place to be at. Yes, you live in NYC and you will be miserable because it's a fucking miserable place. I'm at NYC but I live in YouTube.

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