How do I solve my blind-driveway problem?
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This spirited man loves his house, it's his all-time favorite home. He loves his town, it's his all-time favorite hometown, one of the great things about this little town, especially if you ride motorcycles, is the curves. The blind curves for sporting fellas, such as he, the blind curves, can be a real treat, but for locals, such as he, they can be treacherous line. Curves hide blind, driveways flying curve, blind, driveway, blind, driveway, blind driveway flying driveway blind curve.

My driveway some locals attempt to slow down traffic by mounting their own signs, this one's our favorite, it's about eight and a half inches by 11 inches and mounted - maybe 10 feet up six miles an hour. So this is what it's like to back out of my driveway um. I snapped a couple of exhaust manifold bolts, so it sounds like a lawn mower, a land mower every single time. If i'm headed south, i usually turn around at the apex of the blind curve.

So that i can back into the driveway so that when i leave again, i can pull out into traffic as opposed to backing into traffic. So, every time i come home, if i'm coming home from the north, i got ta turn around in the dirt and then back in from the dirt. But i'm worried that one day some kid is going to come whipping around that corner. In a 95 volkswagen golf with no brakes - and god forbid, t-boned me or isabel while we're backing out whoa, see that guy's getting out of his car to open his gate and he's right around the corner of a blind curve.

I wasn't even i hadn't hit the speed limit, yet i was on my way to the speed limit. The speed limit is 35. If you're going 35 - and you see me, you have enough time to slow down and let me out so at 60. You can see the tacoma with enough room to slow down before creaming us.

So how do you solve this? A lot of people have these mirrors, but i just don't see how that works. I guess you could set up a camera pointing this way, but by the time the signal got from the camera to the internet to your car. The kid would be boom. I thought about installing a speed bump here in the middle of the night, but i mean come on.

I've been trying to think of a solution for years, and my brother dean came up with a brilliant way to solve this problem step. One is to park the tacoma where the garbage cans go. Then we put a light bar on the roof of the tacoma, which you can see driving 60 miles an hour from far enough away down the the other side of the blind curve. Far enough in advance to slow down before you, god forbid, t-bone-ness, this turns the lights on and off.

I could punch a hole or pull out some plugs cut these wires route them through have this big hunk in my cab and turn it on and off from inside the cab. But instead i mounted a 65 pound magnet on the back with hot glue and i'm just gon na magnet it to the chassis and then run these wires right to the battery okay. So we got the light bar on the roof. We got the power cord going to the control box.
How do we turn the lights on and how do we turn the lights on from the land cruiser or from the motorcycles, and this is my favorite part of the whole project. This was like 25 or something and look at how big and heavy this thing is, and it does one thing: it's a switch that is powered just an on switch, just an off switch. That's it that's all it does. They say it works through for up to like 400 feet and through walls.

So you connect this box to the lights, which is the output and then to the battery and the ground or the hot or the wire. I don't know what they're all called and the remote should work. It comes with two remotes. I ordered a third one.

Okay moment of truth: oh yeah, they work all right, i'm in my golf or my gti. What's the difference, i'm going 60. I'm 17.! If i got those garbage cans i can slow down. Do i see him? I see him, i can see him and i slow down and i avoid collision.

Okay, here's the brake light test. Let's see if we can slow him down, i'm gon na hide behind this tree so that the cars coming this way, don't see me brake light test, see if the brake lights go on and that was a gti and yes, they did all right. That's good enough! For me, that's science, random sample - if you drive by my house and you see the lights on slow down, because that means i'm pulling out or we're pulling out. So you.

14 thoughts on “Protecting my family from speeders”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Googe says:

    Just so good.

    Not sure if you know the comedian Tony Baker (animal voice over guy), but tragically he lost his son recently, when their car was t boned in los angeles by speedsters. So the problem is clearly very real.

    Really nice solution. Stay safe.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ๆฑคๅฐ็ฑณ says:

    I dont get it Van,
    Why can't you let the car back into the parking space instead of turning around or driving straight in?
    first press the Emergency Flashers, stop the car right by the mailbox, then back into the parking space.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars calvin candie says:

    I would have installed one of those drop down rail road crossing bars that way it can be moved up and down out of the way as to be temporary not permanent

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars twisted Nuts says:

    It was the gti at the end for me lol. Production idea: a solar powered flashing light post, kinda like a mailbox right, one on ither side of the road. Lights face both directions. You either push a button to activate or a motion sensor in your driveway a settable timer in 30sec increments. Replaceable Colored lenses to fit different town rules and also like other parts make them Replaceable plastic for ease of fixing.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lainer Martin says:

    I literally just watched a video of you speeding on your motorcycle, illegally passing someone in a car, calling yourself an "asshole", and not to do what you do on a bike. LOL!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony says:

    I mean, you bought the house… You didn't take into consideration the blind curve + blind driveway combo? Guy, when buying a house you're suppose to dig deep, you should even know the Ph level of the dirt ffs. /s

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rokita Sayaga says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rokita Sayaga says:

    seeing you backing off the drive way made me laugh
    chill the fuck out
    and just check
    why are you so nervous
    you almost ripped off that steering wheel

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eric b says:

    If this spirited man does happen come under scrutiny by law enforcement, he could change the light bar to a yellow "construction" style one.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Lewis says:

    I could show you a thousand videos of people smashing into police cruisers with their lights fully going. You can't stop stupid, Van. But you can try!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars videos4mydad says:

    You know how when you want to cross the road you press the button and the light turns RED for the cross traffic? What if there was a similar thing…every 10 homes, there could be a traffic light that turns red if someone is pulling out of their driveway.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars videos4mydad says:

    speed bumps would be annoying to everyone – but a speed bump that popped up if it detected someone going above 30 MPH would be helpful.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LegitTheral says:

    You could always try and get some kind of child mannequin on the corner, this has been quite effective around schools in the UK to slow down cars

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Awog420 says:

    Nooo why use hot glue for the magnet instead of an epoxy? That hot glue will melt with the California heat especially mixed with the heat of the exhaust

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