Meadowlands Arena, August, 1984:

Is it always in the fall in the autumn? No, not always in the fall in the autumn once it was in july. Remember that, on the day you moved out, you had a huge bag with all of your wardrobe in it, and that was happened to be the day that they were moving a refrigerator into the apartment into the building, so that the elevator was tied up with a Refrigerator for the entire time - and you had to carry this bag down a flight four flights of stairs and then it was the record highest. It was the hottest day of the year, also with 100., but this time it's in the fall in the autumn. The boy's favorite season pumpkin season all year long, it's been pumpkin this and jack-o'-lantern that friends and family support that room.

Now this room, this little room, beautiful, clean tidy in a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood, a neighborhood of dead ends and well-groomed trees. How many nights to suffer through, thank god for the motorcycle, thank god for fellowship and brotherhood, thank god for the boy, thank god for the pumpkins, thank god for bruce springsteen and jimmy cliff. Do you remember the last best day of your life? That's dean. This is our last day together, casey, what that's our guys.

So yesterday we hiked all the way up here and snowboarded down here, and this is where dean got really really sick. A cool thing we're in aspen colorado - and this is a shrine in the woods to a skier who died, who disappeared in pakistan, guys, pakistan and by a strange set of circumstances. The three brothers are all on the same: flight dean is flying to charleston casey and i are flying to laguardia and it is a beautiful day. It must be 45 degrees out january 15th day before my dad's birthday uh.

It should be mentioned that this is an airbus 320, the same kind of plane that crashed today earlier today the same model plane that we're on right now crashed into the hudson river. Just over there, everyone on board survived. I started out in aspen colorado snowboarding this morning and uh a plane crashed into the hudson river and every single person on board survived. And after that happened, i got on an airplane and my younger brother was not supposed to be on it, but he was on it with us with me and casey, and now i i'm coming home today was the best day of my life and what life feels Like when it feels like it's falling apart is a chilly little room in a mansion house, where someone has reached out it's okay to look at the past, but don't stare, let go but don't close the door listen closely.

Well, it seems like i'm caught up in your trap again and it seems like i'll, be wearing the same old chain: good will conquer evil and the truth will set me free and i know someday i'll find the key. But now i'm trapped, you.

13 thoughts on “We find a song”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Irvine says:

    Powerful vid man if this is about splitting up from you’re wife ….I pray you both work this out and be stronger together
    I don’t know you I definitely don’t have the right to give advice
    Just have seen too many friends go through divorce and most regret it and wished they got help professionally

    I feel for you brother breath deep

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LAC says:

    Thank you Van for sharing an innately human experience. Too much of YouTube is just smiles and toxic positivity. Wishing you the absolute best. Been there. It hurts. Won't be this way forever but we'll be here.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Adams says:

    Not sure what's going on Van, but as someone going through the most soul crushing experience of his life (divorce), I know how it feels to have everything turned on its head. I'm rooting for you and hope the universe conspires in your favor soon.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Jones says:

    "It's ok to look at the past- just don't stare." I will never forget this quote- thank you! You are good medicine for so many!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan Mikal says:

    The magic in music becomes magic again, and the man trapped inside himself trapped inside a room trapped on a marble in the sky cries out in relief, having just now found the lock.
    Keep looking for the key. I'll keep looking, too.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAD42 says:

    this must have taken a lot, .. to tell, to cut and to publish. we feel you.
    thank you for sharing spirited man. take your time. <3 we send you much much love.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erika Barker says:

    Van, because of you I picked up a copy of Shop Class as Soul Craft, built my own cabinets for my photo studio, and found spiritual meditation and therapy in the realm of fixing and building my own stuff. While the last thing I ever needed was another hoodie, I could not help myself but buy one of your's in hopes you get your studio one day. I proudly wear it in TriBeCa, across your brother's old studio, to the gym, and even at the old Chinese Hardware store around the corner (you know the one). We all go through our trials and tribulations. Lord knows I went through mine in and after the military. Better days are around the corner and through these videos, you are helping countless others experience their better days. Much love to you Van.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UltraTech says:

    The answer, is always…..Time.
    Feelings change. Circumstances change. Attitudes change.
    Time fuels that change. All we have to do, is keep breathing, and wait.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard castillo says:

    I hope all is well with you. I have been there many times myself. The problems, frustration, and just shit that comes into your mind. You're an inspiration and sharing this shows your character and depth. You will continue to slay it spirited man.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars itsmemamia says:

    The brothers need to reunite. Nobody does it better than family. They are your support system, you're theirs. I don't want to sound too optimistic because I Know what he must be feeling. Just hang in there, either it will get better or else you will become STRONGER. Just keep swimming until then. Lots of love for your chaotic heart <3

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elderp says:

    Wonder if this has to do with BCYP. Unfortunately that company isn't looking so good. If so, just apologize and move on. If it is something else, sorry to hear life isn't working out.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Newton says:

    “If you are going THROUGH hell, keep going” That small room is a place where I isolate… that small room is in me. God willing, I will find my way out of the small room I call addiction.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cana Dude says:

    Love you Van. Keep reciting what you are grateful for over and over again. I don't know what you are going through, but gratitude is all the works for me, and I hope it works for you as well.
    Please remember that you have built up a brotherhood of 422,000 who love what you do. Take a break from it if you need it, we'll still be here.
    Also, recite what you have already spoken about…..
    "It's ok to look at the past…but don't stare
    let go, but don't close the door"

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