What this particular spirited man learned when he, in a good way, ran away from it all.

On occasion, the spirited man will feel the need to bug out to leave the situation not to escape no, but for a break at times the spirited man has had it. Perhaps he cannot afford it, but he feels he'll die if he doesn't so he goes anyway. Perhaps it is a woman, a lover who has inspired the bug out. Perhaps it is two women, two lovers, perhaps three, perhaps all of them.

What can i do anything? Perhaps the spirited man has been unfair. Perhaps he needs solitude for a while. Perhaps he needs a break from lovers. The spirited man seeks counsel counsel from a spirited woman.

This particular spirited woman is not a lover. This particular spirited woman is a friend, an old friend from far away an adventure a sailor twice around the world. Proximity to this particular spirited woman gives this particular spirited man, insights and reflection gives him perspective. He will carry this perspective, these insights, all through mexico.

In this year of no winter, he will be an adventurer in this land of strangers in truck on motorcycle in mountains. In water he will think about women in mexico, with his books and his music and his paper and his solitude. This spirited man will learn. Two things has learned.

Two things learned two things in this year of no winter. First, he has learned that his entire concept of lovers has been wrong before his bug out. He had unbeknownst to himself seen lovers as drugs as medicine to treat his ales and his chemicals to bring him joy. He has learned that perceiving women as drugs has caused harm.

He has learned that women are not drugs. The second thing he has learned well not learned but understood finally, was the meaning of the words of another spirited man, the words of a poet. He finally understands what the poet meant and the poet said this. The poet said that women are the other half of the sky.

Women are the other half of the sky. This the spirited man, has come to understand alone. During the year of no winter, you.

9 thoughts on “2 things to know about women”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amberlynn WantsToBeFat says:

    TLDR: Cheating on current wife with rando lady he met on worldy travels fulfils "spirited man".

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gabriel escobar says:

    Hi, i think one of the beaches that you showed was called La Saladita in Guerrero, if you see this can you please confirm if i'm right? I fell in love with that beach and i've never seen or heard anyone else go there.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Questionable Content says:

    Once a year I take a trip to isolate myself as deep into the wilderness as I can get, and I stay there for a week or sometimes two. It does more for my mental state and general well being than any other thing on the face of the planet.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Getso says:

    Van is much more mature and and confident than his little brother; both explain life well to other spirited men and spirited women. Thank God for spirited women…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I AM J says:

    I'm personally about to simply walk out into
    the road and begin yelling at the gods like
    the crazy guy down town that screams up
    at the buildings all day long ! I lost it all in
    the past two years ,girl ,dog , job, home, , hope.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Wwhit says:

    "When I see women walk by in their summer clothes' I have to turn my head until my darkness goes".

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Your Crazy Uncle says:

    This spirited man has not been touched by a woman for 5 years. Its weird being invisible, hurts, but its a part of the aging process it seems, old people go through it all the time. I've learned to draw creative energy from nature instead.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gonzalo duran says:

    I'll be honest… I'm stuck in the "women are drugs" concept. And can't seem to find different perspective.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tamara's Tarot Variety says:

    Yes, please don’t see women as drugs, it’s objectifying. As spirited man, I hope you find your counterpart, a spirited woman 👻

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